here are some interesting Journal Writing Ideas For Peace Of Mind

Have you ever wondered why interesting journal writing ideas are commonly advised to people who are depressed or stressed out? Well, according to medical reviewers from the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling can help manage mental health. 

Following some tips on writing a journal can help you manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Therefore, if you cannot think clearly because of some problems, get a notebook and a ballpen, and start scribbling your thoughts.

If you have no idea what to write, here are some interesting journal writing ideas that you can consider:

1. Things you are thankful for

Counting your blessings can help you feel better. If it seems like you cannot find anything in your life now, why not start making a list of the people and things that you are grateful to have now?

2. Inspirational quotes

Most tips on writing a journal include listing down relevant quotes. There are a lot of inspiring quotes on the internet that can motivate you. Instead of thinking negative thoughts, meditate on these nuggets of wisdom. Writing them down can help you remember them. 

3. Memorable events

You can also create a journal for your unforgettable memories. It can be like a diary, but you do not have to write daily. You can just write whenever something special happens. Thus, whenever you are lonely and want to relive these events, all you need to do is visit your journal.

4. Life goals

Setting and writing down your personal life goals can help give you a happy and fulfilled life. “But they have a tremendous power to give meaning to a daily routine and transform your life for the better. This is what makes personal goals a common attribute of a happy fulfilling life,” says Dan Silvestre.

5. Lessons learned

Instead of wallowing in regrets, why not learn from your mistakes and failures? Be optimistic by reflecting on the lessons you have learned from each of those unfortunate events. With journal writing, you can better meditate and go back to them whenever you seem to forget. You can do this along with other effective ways to kill negative thoughts.

6. Dreams you don’t want to forget

It is normal for humans to forget their dreams upon waking up or after some time. Thus, if you want to save the memories of your dreams, make it a habit to place a dream journal beside your bed. Then, immediately write down your interesting dreams when you open your eyes.

7. Bucket list

Among the interesting journal writing ideas commonly recommended, this one is the favorite of many. You can also encourage yourself by creating a bucket list of what you want to do before you die or at a certain age. Doing so will motivate you to move forward despite your current setbacks.

8. Affirmations for yourself

Before you can expect others to appreciate you, be the first to affirm yourself. Create a journal of self-praises—the good things you like about yourself and what you are proud of. This is not only one of the interesting journal writing ideas to consider. It is also one of the tips to help you improve your self-esteem.

9. Self-encouragement

Writing down self-encouragements can also help you think positively about yourself. According to Beverly Engel of Psychology Today, self-encouragement can help avoid the toxicity of self-blaming and self-criticizing.

10. Prayers

Whatever your faith is, writing down your prayers can also be therapeutic. It not only releases your pain or stress, but it also makes you feel closer to your Creator. Then, someday, you can go back to this prayer journal to see how God has been answering your prayers

What are you waiting for? Before you drown in your discouraging thoughts, start with your journal. Write down your thoughts to empty your mind from the clutter. Someday, you will appreciate how these interesting journal writing ideas are helpful in achieving peace of mind.

-Cyril Abello


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